Halloween Walking Tours 2018

Our full schedule of October tours is here! We’ve got mystics on the Lower East Side, magicians in NoHo, and mediums on our newly revamped Green-Wood Cemetery tour; we’ve got witches on Wall Street, “weird tales” in the West Village, madness and medicine on Roosevelt Island, and so much more! Read on for highlights, and visit our Calendar for an at-a-glance look at all our upcoming […]

Why We Tell Ghost Stories At Christmas Part 2

This is the third post in a series of holiday themed posts celebrating our annual Christmas tours. We’ll be presenting three holiday themed ghost tours, Ghosts of Christmas Past, this December. To buy tickets to these events, click here! In yesterday’s post, we discovered part of the reason why we tell ghost stories at Christmas. […]

Why We Tell Ghost Stories At Christmas Part 1

This is the second in a series of holiday themed posts celebrating our annual Christmas tours. We’ll be presenting three holiday themed ghost tours, Ghosts of Christmas Past, this December, plus an extra highlights tour and reading of classic ghost stories at the Player’s Club on December 19th. To buy tickets to these events, click […]

Ghosts, Christmas and New York City

This is the first in a series of holiday themed posts celebrating our annual Christmas tours. We’ll be presenting three holiday themed ghost tours, Ghosts of Christmas Past, this December. To buy tickets to these events, click here! We in New York City are lucky enough to have had some jolly old Dutch forefathers, who […]

Ghosts of the Sea

The ocean is filled with wrecks and the bodies of doomed sailors and passengers. With so many ghosts of the sea, the earth’s waters should be one of the most haunted places in existence.

Brooklyn Ghosts: Cobble Hill

I just came across a Brooklyn ghost story I’d never heard before. And it’s thoroughly awesome. Henry Reed Stiles’ 1869 history of Brooklyn recounts the following event, which transpired one night in the 1820s, in a rowdy little tavern on Red Hook Lane. According to a Bowery Boys blog post: “One evening at around 11 […]

Frightening Favorites

This is a decidedly non-New York post, but lately I’ve been thinking about some of my favorite (fictional) ghost stories, and I realized that some of them aren’t even ghost stories at all. They’re just strange, and eerie, and unsettling, and if you ever get a chance to hunt them do, by all means do. […]

Haunted Hell’s Kitchen

New Years’ Eve is almost upon us, so what better time to tell a few ghostly yarns involving bars? There are many reportedly haunted bars and taverns in New York City, and many of their stories are well-known by now: The White Horse Tavern, The Bridge Cafe, McSorley’s, and the Ear Inn all have their […]