Ghosts of Governors Island October 2, 2018 Visit the secret sixth borough of New York City: Governors Island! Location of military executions (by hangman AND firing squad!), a mass grave, two abandoned cemeteries, and history galore. This is the only tour that shows you where the bodies are buried (they’re still there). You will learn the full history of the island, from […]
Summer Sale! August 1, 2018 Summer’s winding down, so don’t miss out on this deal! Use offer code SUMMER18 for 20% off tickets to any Boroughs of the Dead tour running through September 15th, 2018!
Tickets for Halloween 2017 on sale now! August 23, 2017 Tickets to all Boroughs of the Dead tours are now on sale for the Halloween 2017 season. Our meticulously researched ghostly and macabre historical tours are, as always, led by expert guides who are published authors, museum educators, and seasoned storytellers.
New York Ghosts: Mark Twain November 30, 2016 Today marks the 181st birthday of Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain. Twain lived in various locales throughout New York City for much of his adult life, from the West Village to Wave Hill in the Bronx. He often claimed his favorite residence was 14 West 10th Street, located between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, on one of the Village’s most picturesque blocks. It is known far and wide as a haunted house, and some even claim he haunts there now.
Two Boroughs of the Dead Guides Featured in Morris-Jumel Anthology October 13, 2016 Boroughs of the Dead is proud to announce that two of its guides are featured in the upcoming Morris-Jumel Mansion Anthology of Paranormal and Fantasy Fiction, published by Riverdale Books.
Ghost Tours in Brooklyn and Queens for Summer 2016 May 20, 2016 This summer, Boroughs of the Dead brings back our signature dark walking tours to Brooklyn and Queens with “Haunting Histories and Legends of Astoria” and “Haunted Brooklyn Heights.”
Bleak December Sale! Weird Tales of the West Village December 5, 2015 This Friday, December 11th, join us in the labyrinthine streets of the West Village with a Poe-inspired walking tour! And, in honor of Poe’s perennial penury, we’re offering $5 off each ticket with the discount code POE15.
Guest post from Leanna Renee Heiber: 14 West 10th Street August 13, 2014 The following guest post comes courtesy of Leanna Renee Heiber, actress, playwright, and award-winning bestselling author of multiple Historical Fantasy series for adults and teens, including the Strangely Beautiful saga, the Magic Most Foul saga and the forthcoming Eterna Files saga from Tor/Forge. Most of her books are set in Victorian New York and all […]
Paranormal Investigation at the Merchant’s House Museum April 29, 2014 On Saturday, April 26th, 2014, I attended my first ever paranormal investigation, at the Merchant’s House, an 1832 red-brick row house on East Fourth Street that was home to a prosperous merchant family for almost 100 years. It is one of the city’s most most fascinating historic houses, and is widely reputed to be haunted. […]