Scribes and Sailors of Woodlawn Cemetery

Yesterday I headed up to Woodlawn Cemetery for a little visit with my hero Herman Melville. Anyone who knows me knows about my Melville/Moby-Dick obsession (I have one), which is why it’s a little strange that I’ve been living in New York City for ten years and hadn’t visited his grave in Woodlawn. In my […]

Film Favorites: Creature From The Black Lagoon

Canonical monster movie Creature From the Black Lagoon premiered today in 1954. Creature From the Black Lagoon is one of my favorite monster movies ever. When I first saw it, I was struck by its eerie gorgeousness; some of the film’s underwater sequences are strikingly graceful and dreamy. And I found a wonderful through-line connecting […]

Dark Tourism Survey Results Are In

A few months ago, I created a survey in order to ask the question, “What do you look for in a New York City ghost tour?” Several of you took the time to answer the survey, and the results are in! Here’s what you’re looking for in a ghost tour of NYC: Education and entertainment. […]