The Father of Landscape Architecture June 13, 2017 The following is a guest post by our guide Leanna Renee Hieber. Her custom tour, The Magic and Mysticism of Central Park, will run on Sunday, June 18th in a special Fathers’ Day edition. Tickets are available here. We think of Frederick Law Olmsted as the father of modern landscape architecture, and along with his […]
Special Mother’s Day Tour of Central Park May 2, 2016 Delve deeply into sites such as Strawberry Fields, the Bethesda Terrace and Lake, Belvedere Castle, Cleopatra’s Needle, the Ramble, and Conservatory Water, and explore the arcane, occult and spiritual side to Central Park on this one-of-a-kind Mother’s Day tour.
Titanic, Central Park, and Other Tours for Spring! March 7, 2016 Things are starting to look a lot like spring in this town, which at Boroughs of the Dead HQ means that our winter hiatus is officially over! We’re back to running our full roster of weekly tours starting on Saturday, March 12th, ushering in the season with our classic Manhattan tours, and presenting some of our signature seasonal and specialty tours come April and May!
Alternative Holiday Activities in NYC December 7, 2014 We all love New York City during the holidays, but certain activities have become slightly shopworn. Once you’ve gazed in department store windows, seen holiday trains, gawked at obscenely enormous trees, and wobbled around a tiny, overpriced skating rink, what else is there, really? Plenty. Boroughs of the Dead offers several alternative holiday activities in NYC, perfect for New Yorkers and tourists alike.