Captain Kidd in New York City May 23, 2014 “He lived on Wall Street, a Turkish carpet on his parlor floor, casks of Madeira in his cellar. His tall house had scrolled dormers and fluted chimneys, which ships seeking New York moorage sought out as landmarks. A family man with two daughters, he owned a pew at Trinity Church.” – William J. Board, New […]
The White Witch of Rose Hall May 19, 2014 Annie Palmer, the White Witch of Rose Hall, is the stuff of songs and legends. Yet she was also a real person who lived in Jamaica in the early 19th century and a morbidly fascinating figure in her own right. The fact that she now supposedly haunts Rose Hall makes her all the more interesting… […]
Boroughs of the Dead Featured in Rue Morgue Magazine May 13, 2014 Check out the May issue of Rue Morgue Magazine, which features Boroughs of the Dead in a thrilling round up of NYC’s darkest tourism destinations. Peter Gutierrez‘s “Dark Empire” lists Boroughs of the Dead alongside Green-Wood Cemetery, Atlas Obscura, Morbid Anatomy, and others — some pretty amazing and impressive company. Appropriately enough, the tour Gutierrez […]