Boroughs of the Dead Book Club

Edgar Allan Poe, "A Mystery of Mysteries," and Mark Dawidziak Q&A

Have you ever wondered how Edgar Allan Poe really died? What actually happened on that mysterious night in October, 1849? Was Poe a victim of “cooping”? Did he have an unknown disease? Or was it… something else? This October, get ready to quiz author Mark Dawidziak on the mysterious death of Edgar Allan Poe at our next book talk on October 8th at […]

Fear City

I’m possibly going to hell for this, but I couldn’t help riffing off the vintage Fear City flyer that’s been making the rounds online this week. I’m aware of the irony of using this flyer to sell walking tours in which I expound upon the violent bad old days of NYC, so don’t bother pointing that out.