Macabre Holiday Gift List 2015 December 11, 2015 There’s still time! Snag these gifts for your most morbid friends now, or risk Krampus’s wrath next year! Without further ado we present our third annual Macabre Holiday Gift List!
The Darkest Night of the Year: Ghosts of Christmas Past December 2, 2015 The original spirit of Yuletide has a much darker hue. Ghosts, elves, spirits, and sometimes malevolent fairies abound. It is a haunting time of year, the darkest night. In some traditions, devils and impudent sprites verge on the downright terrifying.
Macabre Holiday Gift List 2014 December 8, 2014 Cut through the “holiday season” treacle with these weird and macabre finds guaranteed to delight your strangest and most wonderful friends.
Alternative Holiday Activities in NYC December 7, 2014 We all love New York City during the holidays, but certain activities have become slightly shopworn. Once you’ve gazed in department store windows, seen holiday trains, gawked at obscenely enormous trees, and wobbled around a tiny, overpriced skating rink, what else is there, really? Plenty. Boroughs of the Dead offers several alternative holiday activities in NYC, perfect for New Yorkers and tourists alike.
Gift Certificates Are Here for the Holidays! December 6, 2014 This holiday season, why not give your friends and enemies something delightfully macabre? Boroughs of the Dead gift certificates make the perfect present for local New Yorkers and visitors alike.
Why We Tell Ghost Stories At Christmas Part 2 December 3, 2014 This is the third post in a series of holiday themed posts celebrating our annual Christmas tours. We’ll be presenting three holiday themed ghost tours, Ghosts of Christmas Past, this December. To buy tickets to these events, click here! In yesterday’s post, we discovered part of the reason why we tell ghost stories at Christmas. […]
Why We Tell Ghost Stories At Christmas Part 1 December 2, 2014 This is the second in a series of holiday themed posts celebrating our annual Christmas tours. We’ll be presenting three holiday themed ghost tours, Ghosts of Christmas Past, this December, plus an extra highlights tour and reading of classic ghost stories at the Player’s Club on December 19th. To buy tickets to these events, click […]
Ruth Edna Kelley: Librarian, Authoress, Badass October 27, 2014 Who was Ruth Edna Kelley and why am I obsessed with her? Kelley was a twenty-six year-old librarian who literally wrote the book on Halloween. Back in 1919, Kelley wrote The Book of Halloween, which I picked up in a slightly crumbling hardback first edition (!!!) from the Brooklyn Public Library (why and how they […]
Macabre Holiday Gift List December 6, 2013 In keeping with the spirit of the season, I’ve compiled a little wish list of all things ghastly and beautiful… just in case you’re wondering what to buy your strangest friends this holiday.